Protecting Animals, Preserving Nature Together

Join us in saving and educating about threatened species and their vital ecosystems.

Dedicated to Animal Preservation

Humane Animal Research and Preservation is a nonprofit organization committed to saving, protecting, and improving the lives of animals while educating the public on the importance of preserving threatened species.

A person with long hair is pointing at a computer screen displaying information about endangered animals, while a seated child in a camouflage shirt is using the computer mouse. The room features a shelf with vintage cameras and other items above the desk.
A person with long hair is pointing at a computer screen displaying information about endangered animals, while a seated child in a camouflage shirt is using the computer mouse. The room features a shelf with vintage cameras and other items above the desk.



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Our Projects

Dedicated initiatives to protect and preserve animal species globally.

Conservation Efforts

Working to save endangered species through various programs.

Education Programs

Raising awareness about the importance of wildlife preservation.

Contact Us

Reach out to us for inquiries about animal preservation and how you can help our mission.